About Us
See comments from the 1st show I ran Under theMolosser Stock heading before we switched to MBA Molosser Olympic
Comments 03
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We are a group of ~ Jeannine De Palma Founder MBA
    LIKE MINDED people who believe the dogs come first people second.
    Show people who work our dogs , Working people who show our dogs.
    That do not make allowances for bad breeders or negative breed promotion.
We do NOT take Sponsors from people who promote the breeds in bad lights or buying from Pet Stores
     We Love our dogs and want the best for all Molosser breeds.    
  Team members that join together for the preservation of the Molosser Breeds.
Knowing what happens to one molosser will happen to all.
Anyone you see working in conjunction with our show  are the best most dedicated  people in their chosen breeds.  From the Conformation, PP, Iron Dog Judges, CGC Tester ,Ring Stewards, Raffle & Entry people, are the TOPS in theDog World.  The guy behind the show is my very patient husband.  The Clubs that support us take their jobs very seriously in the never ending education of their chosen breeds. Sponsor's donate money & time to keep clubs like us going .  So there you have it dedicated dog lovers that will grow with us threw the years.
We offer something for every one, Dog shows, Breed experts, Contests, Working trials, Seminars a show that has it all great food, great hotels that does not break your show budget. 

Our Goals are to offer TOTAL dog shows for all. To respect the working nature of the Molosser breeds
We offer for the 1st time ever a WORKING Dog Title & Working Classes for full time Guardians.
We want to make a family dog dog owners and to help all newbies feel at home with us.
No Political Agendas no competing with the TOP dog from that circuit & NOT being given a fair shake due to the PREVIOUS accomplishments of that dog or owner or handler.
Everyone starts out on a even playing field.  And we did have WORLD Champions at our last show,
To Make things fair the BOB Winners are called in random order of a number they pick out of a deck of cards. Anyone who shows dogs know why we do this.. Dogs that need more room are given that more room. Since most rings are not Big enough for our dogs.. Everything we do is from a BIG point of dog view.,  
Founder MBA: Mrs. Jeannine De Palma ~
Breeder, Owner, Handler of the Top Winning Top Ten Central Asians Shepherd Dogs in USA History.
CGC Tester, Working Group judge Molosser- Rescue 25 years...
In the last 7 years I have shown & championed all different Molossers with the following clubs ~
Canadian Rarities, ARBA, UKC, RBCOSWO, Rarities ,CRMA, MStock..

And what I had besides many great times & some not so great times , is many problems showing BIG dogs
around small dog minded people. I really don't like to run the gamete of small Foo Foo dogs to get into the ring. 
r have to pass Medium sized dogs running on Flexi Leads. 
These are working dogs  9 out of 10 of them must be amendable to handling. (EX-Fila)
But their is working dog handling & than there is AKC handling which can take the guardian nature out of many breeds...

Most often judges NEVER saw the breed before. Often reading the standard for the 1st time in the ring.
I really don't see why I must pay my money for 4 judges who have NEVER seen my breed before....
So after going to 10-15 shows a year I cut back to the shows who bring FCI Qualified judges
or UKC judges that are licensed to judge ..

Rarities & UKC are the only US organizations at that time that always make allowances for working dogs
since they were founded by working dog people.

When I attended my 1st Molosser show I felt so much at ease with all dogs being BIG and relaxed.
So in 2003 I promoted , funded , organized & ran my 1st Molosser show under the heading of Molosser Stock.
It was a huge success the largest gathering of Molossers in over 7 years
`17 breeds in group. Over 100 people entered .

Please note we do all this work not to win our show but to have very rare breed experts come in and critique our dogs.
If we win Best of breed we do NOT enter the group.

This Club was formed in the Fall of 2003   On the advice of the Top people in Rare Molossers we started a small but ever growing group of Molosser Lovers and we get together once a year for a show unlike any other show.
I take a little bit of that and a little bit of this of what big dog people want & incorporate into a show that memories are made of. Win or lose you get a written critiques from a MOLOSSER expert.
Win Breed get a Gold Medal , Medal in group step on to our Olympic stand .

So In conclusion I guarantee and ask anyone my heart and soul will go into this one show a year.
Making it the best - biggest- most organized Molosser event ever -yearly.
You have to love what you do to be successful and as evident by my dedication ~ I really love what I do.

Jeannine De Palma and my other half Vincenzo G De Palma the backbone to this club.

                         4th Year of Molosser Shows 2006
      3 Years NO longer associated with Molosser Stock.
           Show Coordinator  for all 03-06  Lockport Shows.
Visit our Breed of choice and our Planet of Molosser Below
Lockport New York is home to the MOST successful, well run Molosser Shows in US History.
I worked hard to organize the BIGGEST most organized  Molosser shows based on my 9 Years of Dog Showing.
I took the best and eliminate the worst aspects of different show clubs and put together a great show for All
But sadly we have had some BIG EGOS that had to be banned from our shows.

2003 17 Breeds
2004 22 Breeds
2005 23 Breeds

Our Goal is to have all the FCI Group 2 Breeds at our show one day... Something I work very hard at daily.

Our shows are based on a fun relaxed atmosphere with music and great people.
We use FCI standards unless other indicated example Kangal - Akbash are UKC.
We welcome Novices and help all beginners with showing and working dogs.